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EURUSD parity overview

EURUSD has returned from 1.2070 resistance, limiting the demand for rising after US employment data we received last week. The positive point in the data content is that the rise in prices is at 0.3%, which brings up us interest rates, and the return of parity. The funds continue to increase their Euro long contracts. In the option market, risk appetite is downwards
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EURUSD overview

EURUSD is testing 1.2070 resistance, while the market keeps its negative movement. U.S. interest rates rise again. There is a fatigue in the parity due to its effect and its previous resistance. Although the option market is positioned in favor of the euro in the short term, horizontal movement is maintained for 3 months. Parity is also showing a recent spike in interest rates. Technically, the inability to exceed 1.2070 could bring about a summit formation
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EURusd overview

Described last night's Federal Open Market Committee(FOMC) have had an impact on the parity decision. The decision, although the Fed's growth and unemployment forecasts in the details of prospective future inflation could lead to policy change has been upgraded reservations about the perception that the dollar cost worth it. Because yesterday in the U.S. CPI figures of this nature was described. On the other hand, was agreed on yesterday evening with the news that the decision was overshadowed b…
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Women I most admire from the list for task 17

For this task we had a short list of women and had to choose three that we thought were the most important.
Interestingly Giselle Bunchen was on the list. I wouldn't have thought that. I would have preffered Angelina Jolie or Ian Somerhalder but then I read her bio and realized why she was in the list.
Anyway, they are all important or famous but I chose three that I like the best. Park Geun-hye is interesting but I heard that she hasn't done much from some Korean people and so dropped her from …
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CriticalSection avatar

good job girl, now I know these influential women better :)


Task 10 - All Politics is Local

Hello everyone. Below is a summary transcript of my interview with a very good friend of mine, Carol Spawn Desmond. Introduction: Hello Dukascopy community! My name is Anna Timone and this is my Task 10. Please allow me to introduce you to a very dear friend of mine, Ms. Carol Spawn Desmond. Carol is also an attorney and she works for Satterlee Stephens Burke and Burke law firm in New York City . I was honored to meet Carol at one of the New York State Bar Association meetings several years…
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Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 23 8月


annatimone avatar
annatimone 23 8月

Thank you...:)

Doireann1 avatar

good job!
