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Отсортировано по тагам:  Fundamental Analysis

Choose 10 pictures of men's beard that u like!!!!

beard chic.
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denisof avatar
denisof 3 Окт.

Классная борода

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Try fundamental analysis

ardoghan speak ( no raise for interest rate ) that let try without any protection from failure again .
اردغان في كلمه له اليوم اكد انه لن يسمج برفع اسعار الفايده ممايقلل من شهية الاتراك علي تحويل مايملكونه من عمله نقديه الي ليره تركيه ز ويترك العمله المحليه بدون اي حمايه ويعرضها لاستكمال انهيارها
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12:00 GMT Dukascopy Research Webinar 15.01.2018

The Dukascopy Research Team provides you with the latest analytical products including Technical Analysis of various currency pairs, Fundamental Analysis, Trade Pattern Ideas and much more.
To join our LIVE daily webinars, follow the link below and hit "Click to join" button: https://www.dukascopy.com/tv/Live
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A look at the week ahead

The weekend is the perfect opportunity to plan about the upcoming week. A look at the economic calendar for the upcoming week reveals some interesting events, which will definitely provide some trading opportunities.
  • The monetary policy statement from Australia on Tuesday morning will provide the good opportunity. The expectation is the cash rate will remain at 1.5%. The market will be watching the tone of the statement.
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AUDJPY trade idea

Going into the US Thanksgiving holiday, I am keeping an eye on a non-USD pair: AUD/JPY.
JPY has showed relative strength, even on days where equities have been going up. Conversely, the AUD has been showing weakness, even on the back of rising commodity prices in recent weeks. Therefore, I believe that shorting the AUD/JPY is the right trade based on a fundamental analysis (my directional bias).
From a technical perspective, the pair is at support, which is the upper part of the trading range f…
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New Dukascopy Social Community App

I love the layout of the new Dukascopy Community App, Is there any plans in the works for implenting Auto Translation for reading blogs from Russian to English etc.? I Would Love to see that myself.
So far it is faster, and more efficient than the 911 app. 911 Totally Left us in the dust! Maybe We (as a community) can change this .. starting with a simple social app, not just one to make a quick buck... Who knows? Is it an easy fix? Something not worth the cost? Can we at least open up a dialog…
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Elenaa_ avatar
Elenaa_ 18 Янв.


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AUD/USD for 1st JUNE

Target- 0.76905 it may go further high because of elliot

Stochastic -according to stochastic oscillator it shows an over sold range
ema (5,30,90)- range bounding
support and resistance
pivot points
Stochastic -over buy condition
ema (5,30,90)- range bounding
support and resistance
pivot points
1)Australia’s central bank has maintained a basic interest rate notably higher than comparables in Japan, USA, UK and the Eurozone since the global financial crisis.
This has…
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nhamfx16 avatar
nhamfx16 30 Апр.

good idea

someday777777 avatar
someday777777 30 Апр.


Alyona18 avatar
Alyona18 30 Апр.

Good one

NikaTigra avatar
NikaTigra 1 Май


TInna avatar
TInna 2 Май


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Quarterly Report: Q2 of 2017

Our new report is finally here: Q2 of 2017
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USD/SGD for 1st May

Technical analysis:

EMA (5, 30, 60)
Pivot points
Support and resistance
Weekly Chart:
Daily Chart:
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Josecarlos avatar
Josecarlos 18 Апр.


Sanju777 avatar
Sanju777 27 Апр.

If we look in to past 1 month there are so many positive news about SGD same time so many negative news about usd so overall SGD is strong against usd
Singapore Inflation Rate Steady At 0.7% In March
Singapore GDP Grows More Than Expected In Q1
Singapore GDP Growth Revised Up To 2.9% In Q4
Singapore GDP Grows 1.8% YoY In Q4

US Factory Activity Growth Lowest in 7 Months
US Jobless Claims Rise More Than Expected
US Housing Starts Fall More Than Expected
US Retails Sales Drop 0.2% in March
US Initial Jobless Claims Edge Down To 234K

Martell avatar
Martell 30 Апр.


nhamfx16 avatar
nhamfx16 30 Апр.

good job

someday777777 avatar
someday777777 30 Апр.


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USD/MXN for 1st May

Technical analysis:

EMA (5, 30, 60)
Pivot points
Support and resistance
My target is 18.501, If It breaks the s1 and it will be in the ranging.
Weekly Chart:
Daily Chart:
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Josecarlos avatar
Josecarlos 18 Апр.

muito interessante esta informação

Sanju777 avatar
Sanju777 27 Апр.

As I predicted usd went down till 18.5 but due to recent trump taxation policies made usd stronger and it will become much stronger in may against mxn.

Mexico Jobless Rate Lowest Since 2007
Mexico Jobless Rate Drops To 3.4% In February
Mexico Trade Balance Swings To Surplus In February

Martell avatar
Martell 30 Апр.

good work

someday777777 avatar
someday777777 30 Апр.


TInna avatar
TInna 2 Май

хороший анализ

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