Alexana5's Blog



This is Sunday )
This is real experiment!! It works!! I was laughing!! )
So there is already community of people who truing to answer this secret.
TRY. If you Make a round on the floor - your cat will come and sit in the middle!!!
WHY? This question is open no one understands a Cat.
Maybe for them its looks like a Portal into another reality, who knows? Or spiritual ordinances
I know it also working with a BOX)) The same for Big cats (like leopards and small cats )
I shar…
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ANABEVZ avatar


JvdS87908 avatar
JvdS87908 26 Oct.

LOL .....  Alexana ........  will to trap me the same way????


JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 28 Oct.

haha how predictable!

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 31 Oct.

прикольно :)))

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Happy People!

Hello, Everybody!
I want to share one interesting Experiment with you .
I wanted to write about it yesterday,and start it here Because I saw it on Facebook and I like it.
But before I start it here, one of my friend's "nominate" me for this I noticed it at the same late evening. SO! Great!
No it's not "ice buched challenge" But its positive challenge
The same I asked you to do in my webinars - about writing "Diary of success!"
When everyday you try to focuse more on good things happen with
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JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 20 Oct.

Спасибо, Alexana! Уже начала писать :))

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I want to share with you my goals in walking
I download many running and walking counting applications. The one which is work i my smartphone, called Accupedo.
So I started my walking Marathon on Sunday . My goal was 10 kilometers, but I did little bit more.
14 kilometers. I like to walk, but I never count how many kilometers I walk So here is the prof!
And Next day I did it too!
My goal was 10000 steps and I did it with all 100%, but it was only 7 kilometers.
So,I wi…
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JungaBunga avatar

go for accupedo and u will surely know ) i never counted my steps but the farest distance i walked was 54 km in autumn)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 9 Oct.

verindur :D wow great! 50kilometers! from your house to city center? or neighbor town?

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 9 Oct.

Sergej_Tomilino_2 you can also download this app :) and you will see;) now Im using it everyday

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 9 Oct.

JungaBunga wow, from where to where it was?

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 9 Oct.

Это интересный способ, молодец, надо брать пример :))

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Today is my Week with No Pants

I know it sounds strange, but it was experiment
All week without wearing pants, only SKIRT or Dress (even at home
You know, I just feelt this week how much pants means to me )
Actually it was hard to do, because at home Im wearing look like pajama pents but it was okey)) I make it)
For outside it was okey, here it still warm weather, and I prefer wearing dress. I can say its were 3 month with no pants))
So here is the photos of the 7 days)) I took them everyday before going ou
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Stix avatar
Stix 1 Oct.

I prefer dresses. Although I wear jeans a lot. :) :)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 1 Oct.

JuliaBF  Stix  :D Thank you)) we should be more feminine. some years ago, jeans was only and favorite outfit I wear.  You know, studies, university.. only comfort.

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 2 Oct.

Платье делает девушек более женственными и привлекательными, тебе очень идёт :)))

Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar

Suits you)

JungaBunga avatar

nice, looks very good)

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One day without using computer and internet!

Hello, Everybody!
Yes, I did it! I knew that it coild be "risky" (that I can loose too more Likes, points etc in the community, I will not check "new feedback on facebook", and so on )) But You know, I found myself addicted. Even if I don't need to check much in internet, then I want to check something. So its not good, and I decide one day spend without using it.
I think in future it become more and more impossible, because everything connected to internet!
even your credit card, you canno…
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JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 17 Sep.

i could die)) everyday im using internet, already can't imagine my life without it

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 17 Sep.

but i thing youth generation is much more addicted to devices than us

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 17 Sep.

this became the big part of our lives

Lebedj avatar
Lebedj 20 Sep.

Люблю проводить дни без компьютера в окружении хороших и интересных мне людей.  Живое общение наполняет, вдохновляет и просто не хочется заходить в интернет. Особенно, если общение происходит на природе.

Lebedj avatar
Lebedj 20 Sep.

Не до конца понятно как может быть иначе.  :)

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Say YES, Say YES

Hello, Everybody!
Yesterday was active and funny day! YES )
And I did this experiment. Saying only YES, (even if I mean No)
Okey, one of the funny moments was before Webinar, there were people on the background, I told that I will have webinar
I felt little bit uuncomfortable but didn't show it
after some come to me asked, do I making Trainings, I said Yes,
And about to give some tasks here and trainings I said YES
Then my friend call me on Skype, ask me to help him to write a Diploma, I said …
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Stix avatar
Stix 15 Sep.

Thank you ! :) :)

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 17 Sep.


Lebedj avatar
Lebedj 20 Sep.

Прекрасный фильм и интересный опыт.  :) 

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 23 Sep.

Lebedj Спасибо!!)

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Experiment 3L of Water every Day :)

Hello, Everybody!
I want to share with you my thoughts.
Yesterday I met with my friend, and found out that She made an experiment with herself. She have separate bottle of water 1,5 L, and drinking it everyday. She save this bottle for her, because she want to see, how much she drinks, how does she follows it. Okey, I said, nice thing))
Than at the same evening, I found on my "sticky notes" on desctop the list of :good habits" and there is also written that 1,5L of water per day is perfect.
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New look. Do you like Experiments?

As I posted yesterday about Make Over with top stylist competition ,
Other photos and Tv reportage is coming soon,
Here I want to share a short video from the show.
At this moments you can see make over, and part of the show.
How do you like make overs? How often do you experiment with yourself?
I can say that many years ago, I had a long hair with my natural color, I didn't wanted any changes, even to dye my hairs.
But day, I decided to make changes, and experiment with colours.…
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Convallium avatar
Convallium 13 Apr.

I also had many experiments with my hair ( but when I was 16-19) years old. Now I have another social statusand  must think about my reputation)

meyermasha avatar
meyermasha 14 Apr.

I think the most  important it's when person lives "in harmony" with his/ her look.  It is always nice to see people who dont afraid to change  and to be different !  That's so cool!

aAndriusik avatar
aAndriusik 20 Apr.

wow! didn't expect to see you with such experiment

AlexLuk avatar
AlexLuk 23 Apr.

adore you!

Lebedj avatar
Lebedj 28 Apr.

Не, эксперименты не люблю. Ценю естественный внешний вид. А вот муж наэспериментировался за двоих.  :)  Раньше тоже участвовал в конкурсах парихмакеров... там его и в красный цвет красили и стригли по-разному.  :)  Даже закончил обучение на модель.  :)  Так что его опыта хватает нашей семье.  А вот эспериментировать с образом жизни, местом жительства, деятельностью - это да, люблю.  :)

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