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Dolores O'Riordan : Cranberries! When you are gone!

Life is short to hold grudges and hold onto people who matters!

Beautiful song
Hold on to love. That is what I do
Now that I've found you
And from above, everything's stinking
Their not around you
And in the night, I could be helpless
I could be lonely, sleeping without you
And in the day, everything's complex
There's nothing simple, when I'm not around you
But, I miss you when you're gone
That is what I do, Bay, Bay, Bay
And it's going to carry on
That is what I knew, Bay, Bay, Bay
Now she is …
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Sasha_spicy avatar


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Time - by Pink Floyd

This song has even more meaning to me now after so much time has passed since I first listen to it.
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Debian avatar
Debian 3 jan

Creo que "The Dark Side Of The Moon" es uno de los grandes discos, de los últimos 50 años, que todos deberían escuchar alguna vez con atención y este "Time" es una muestra de ello.

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Kasmir: Song by Led zepplin!

Even after 40 years this song is all time favourite
According to song writer Robert Plant
It was an amazing piece of music to write to, and an incredible challenge for me. … Because of the time signature, the whole deal of the song is … not grandiose, but powerful: it required some kind of epithet, or abstract lyrical setting about the whole idea of life being an adventure and being a series of illuminated moments.
Listen to the song while following lyrics
The song is about, when in a place or S
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I am big fan of Pakistani music, especially soulful riches of sufi style songs they deliver.
I was floored by this song , Brand New Story Of Young Love, ‘Muntazir’ which Features Momina Mustehsan And Danyal Zafar. The Romantic Song Conveys Us A Lively, Decadent Insight Into The Musicality Of Desire. A Yearning Desire In The Lyrics Of Song “Muntazir” And Vocals Are Further Made More Beautiful By The Relaxation Of Fluidity And Delay Of The Guitar.
Backed By Strong Basslines & A Tight Rhythm Sectio…
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Lovely_bee avatar

very nice and tender song)

Elenaa_ avatar
Elenaa_ 11 jan

Nice ????????

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November Rain!

So November last day in all contests. Hope everyone had done well in their respective contests and trading.
Enjoy the song "November Rain" by Guns and Roses
When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same
Nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain
November Rain is a song about love, pain and fear.
"Nothing lasts forev…
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FXRabbit avatar
FXRabbit 30 nov

Good one!

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Sensation 'THE FINAL' Amsterdam JULY 8TH 2017alex Findlay sensations Amsterdam 

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Easter's excursion.

Here in italy, in the 2016 Easter was the 27 march. It was a sunny day. With some friends, I went among the mountain and there I have seen some great beautiful panoramas, landscapes with stream too.
I was a very nice day... I enjoyed it! (see my dedicated album too).
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JockPippin avatar

Oh Mr Col Moschin  :))) ....Nice parachute landing roll after your leap of faith :))) .

Mariia avatar
Mariia 4 avr

Grande, Pino!!!!!!!It is so cute!!!!

vera_trunova88 avatar

Красиво)))ПИ прыжок очень хороший)))Наверное Легкой атлетикой в детстве занимался???)))

Sharpshooter avatar


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Nowadays, people love extreme experiences such as a roller coaster, jumping off a bridge or dangerous selfie. For the purpose was built Talоcan.
The theme park Phantasiаland, which is located in Brühl near Cologne, has one of the most adrenaline and super exciting attractions all over the world. And it is called Talоcan. Now it is the most adrenaline attraction in Germany.
There is a separate queue of onlookers and sympathizers who came in order to watch the "lucky ones", which have got on Ta…
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Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 9 juillet

почему? Высоты боишься? ))

CharmingRimma avatar
CharmingRimma 11 juillet


Wovch avatar
Wovch 21 juillet

отличный способ чтобы получить адреналин ))

Wovch avatar
Wovch 21 juillet

и также можно поучаствовать в экстриме ))

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

и выложить видео в конкурс экстремалов? )))

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Родина сарказма

Хотя бы единожды побывав в Одессе, захочется вернутся сюда еще не раз)
Архитектура, достопримечательности конечно прекрасны, но в большей степени самый примечательный здесь юмор))
Одесса пожалуй тот самый город, который стал прародителем мировой сатиры - только здесь могут культурно, изысканно и с сарказмом вести беседу,но и так, что и рассмешат, и огорчат одновременно)).
Одесситы способны излагать таким языком, которым не владеет никто в мире.
На самом деле здесь люди как будто не от мира сего,…
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Lannochka avatar

жить здесь одно удовольствие)

bohdan94 avatar
bohdan94 23 avr

все еще мечтаю побывать в этом замечательном городе

Ninnell avatar
Ninnell 24 avr

точно подмечено))

Marina12 avatar

говор в Одессе уж точно не похож ни на какой другой))

EXclusion avatar

особый город с особыми людьми)

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