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Отсортировано по тагам:  English

My English knowledges

As you all noticed I write my post in English. I have learned this language in school only, thats why u can see that I have some grammar problems (especially in times). But it doesn't make me shy in anyway, because as one intellegent man said : "Don't be shy and act!" Because if u are always in shy with your self u will never gain any succsess in your life. That's why, dear members always remember ACT! ACT! ACT! This will open for you many doors in your life! Hugs!
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Lost in Transliteration

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tkbjoriginal avatar
tkbjoriginal 17 Апр.

and who have no faith has allready eaten a lot of bananas up to date, and your stupid Barcelona one receive all the shell :)))) very smart one :)))

fishfeedsn avatar
fishfeedsn 17 Апр.

tkbjoriginal  that´s mean "the bitch with the stupid" - good (garbage) couple.

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My English improvement

Sunday afternoon I spent in the company of some businessmen from Germany regarding one business proposal. Since I do not know to speak German, and they do not know Croatian, neither Italian which is my second native language, we had to speak in English.

I was delighted with my knowledge of English. They commended me that I speak English very well. I have to admit I learned English in school and by reading books in English, especially books about trading in the forex market. Such books are n
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dovla avatar
dovla 1 Окт.

Only a few can notice that. You're one of them! ;)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 3 Окт.

the same with me, Edita :) Sometimes i also begin to think in English and speak to myself also :)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 3 Окт.

actually, i've learned English myself, because at school i've learned french :)

seediee avatar
seediee 4 Окт.

I'm glad you think the same as me! :) Thank you.

jezz avatar
jezz 23 Окт.

:) must admit my written English is improving here, and speaking on a daily basis with foreigners here in Serbia make me happy. Then connection with people from here on skype - I speak Italian while someone is improving English. Some other connections speak French.... I only miss speaking German to keep practicing

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Languages... languages an more languages...

Hi my people... How are you?
I already manage French, English and Spanish very well... I thought the it could be better for me to have Portuguese or Chinese as other important foreign languages...
But, if we talk about forex with Dukascopy it seems like Russian is taking over... Russian, Russian and more Russian...
Ad could one of those precious girl from Russia or those ex Russian union country make a deal with me... I mean can one teach me Russian and I teach her one of those languages I have.…
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 27 Сент.

Lol :P

forexgrange avatar
forexgrange 27 Сент.

Please can someone teach me like Robbins Williams said: " we will win this for mother Russia" ... lol...

alincik avatar
alincik 29 Сент.

Good for you you want to learn russian. I would prefer to learn chinese than russian :p even if will take me some years, lol

forexgrange avatar
forexgrange 29 Сент.

Alinicik you are right... and my congratulations for you... I saw that in so short time you have big reputation and many followers... I would like to have the secrets you use for that... lol. But, I don't know, I imagine that learning Chinese has to be strong, really tough... and I don't have some funny phrases that attract me to Chinese (chin chon chan chun... lol)... but in Russian at least I could say "we will win this for mother Russia", isn' t it nice... lol.

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