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Enjoy your EYES with these beautiful pictures !!! наслаждайтесь своими глазами

enjoy your EYES with these beautiful pictures !!! наслаждайтесь своими глазами
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Life style for beatiful girls : nice style

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Life style for beatiful girls

life style for beatiful girls: like it !!!!!!!!
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A sweet beard: the essential gestures and products??????

  • - Shock treatments to soften

Hot oils
If you have a very dry beard and want to give it an intense treatment before going into a daily care routine, you can use hot oils.The brand Proraso offers a treatment with hot oils to nourish and repair the beard. The heated oil should be applied for a few moments in hot water and allowed to act for a few minutes before rinsing. Composed of ultra rich vegetable oils, it is an ideal formula to reinvigorate the dry beards and to obtain a hair in good healt…
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Is it possible to unlock contest prize?

Some people from community ask me if it is possible to trade and unlock contest prize. It looks impossible for some people to make 2.5milion volume to unlock 100$. Especially after decision to trade full amount of prize. Here is my result for the period from 19th Februar -17 April 2018.
Unlocked Contest Bonus is the amount that I can withdraw right now. I'm not going to withdraw but keep trading. It is possibel to withdraw this amount and it is very simple procedure. I have don't it before)
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Sharpshooter avatar

Я честно говоря, расстроен тем, что теперь нельзя дробить призы( Стало хуже(

Sharpshooter avatar

Но не потому, что мне снимать не удобно. У меня иная цель. Просто стало меньше попыток на ошибки. Дукас не думаю, что выиграет от этого(

Sharpshooter avatar

Раньше можно было приз в 1000 долларов юзать дольше). Есть своего рода защита от тильта)  Теперь же, если ты залил все 1000 и попал в неудачную волну трейдов и тильт, то сам понимаешь(

Sharpshooter avatar

Но с другой стороны это мотивирует быть осторожнее. Будем юзать, а что остается)

rashadali avatar
rashadali 25 Apr.

Mne  nravetsa to sto delaet Dukascopy. Vse  ix pravila  v polzu treydera. Eti pravila sazdayot  privichki katorie pomoqaet lutshe torqovat )

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Playful Prankster

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