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Как можно заработать на написании статей?

Привет всем!!
Хочу с вами немного поделиться полезной инфой на тему: Как можно заработать на написании статей?
Если у вас есть желание писать что-либо, если вы имеет хороший русский, английский или владеете другим иностранным языком, вы сможете зарабатывать в интернете.
Каким образом?
Есть несколько способов, как это сделать:
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Skif avatar
Skif 8 Fev


TaniaS avatar
TaniaS 11 Fev

интересно)) может попробовать?

Olga18375 avatar

пробуй конечно! нужно усилие и терпение

akbarich avatar
akbarich 11 Fev

Я думаю всем уже нужна просто ссылка)))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Fev

great article and info

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Go hard or go home

Привет всем!
Мне понравилось очень это задание о работе. Тема - отличная.
Хочу поделиться с вами своим видео ответом на вопрос о моей работе.
Всегда, сколько себя помню, я работала только в тех местах, где мне нравилось. Я никогда не насиловала себя. Если мне работа не нравилась, я там не работала. Человек должен получать удовольствие от работы или от любого дела, которым занимается.
Я всегда придерживалась этого принципа. Тогда будет и комфортно и будет заработок.
Работала долго, с первого кур…
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Olga18375 avatar

О трейдинге не говорю, это совсем другое! только гугл адсенс

Alivio avatar
Alivio 26 Nov

про создания сайтов знаю практически все)
более 4000 это какая же посещаемость?
гугл адсенс значит) и как успехи с выводом?

Olga18375 avatar

с Адсенсом проблем нет) На карту сразу

Olga18375 avatar

ну и конечно сумма от 4000 долларов не с одного сайта.. с одного, это нужно долго стараться и сделать портал с огромным количеством контента

Alivio avatar
Alivio 26 Nov

до поры до времени выводят) потом могут возникнуть с ними проблемы) как повезет)

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Dukascopy Community Summ Up

I guess this is the last post (I hope NOT) )
I prepared this Special video for Dukasckopy Community - "Community Summ Up" )
Just check it out, maybe you will find yourself there))
This is Community Summ Up of the month.
I wanted to make it every month, But..this idea comes too late)) I didn't knew that his is THE last month in contest.
But Okey I wish you Enjoy it!
There is Summ up of Traders & Blogging
Little queez I made(sorry I didn't had time to put all your answers here,
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JvdS87908 avatar

wonderful, and thank you as well, very well put it together ...........

Bimlesh avatar
Bimlesh 2 Nov

nice... you have very nicely woven the things.. +1 :) , and its a pity I did not observe you earlier..;)

Stix avatar
Stix 2 Nov

Thank you so much, Alexana5 ! Just a pleasure to bring us a little "divergence" at the end of the day. I appreciate the mention - thank you again. Lovely video too ! Very well presented. :) :)

Sharpshooter avatar

Хороший очерк. Спокойная и естественная подача. Спасибо.)) Я бы, может, написал бы и больше комментариев, если бы уловил полностью все сказанное))
За последние пару месяцев в сообществе я более, чем когда-либо, ощутил дискомфорт от того, что я не владею свободно английским. Надо будет, наверно, его подогнать)) Но это после того, как будут достигнуты мои цели на реальном счете)) Это мой приоритет сейчас)
Удачи Вам, Александра))

JulianaJ avatar

Спасибо, Alexana5! Очень приятный видео-очерк, мне вообще нравится всё что вы показываете на проекте, это талантливо и всегда с выдумкой! Удачи !

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My time in Dukascopy Community.

I want to share my thoughts and things Im noticed from beginning of this year untill now
So many changes.
Im member since beginning of this year. (February)
And I seen many -changes in Community and in blogs.
Rules are changing too.
First when I came here, I remember there were No limit of posting blogs.
Also users could use colors. And sometimes blog feed reminds me a RAINBOW.
And there were no rules for using 100 words, so sometimes feed also looks like (only pictur
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JulianaJ avatar

Молодец, мне нравится :))

JungaBunga avatar

Wow, nice attitude u have :)

Alexana5 avatar

verindur I agree, but it also right now much better, than before..some time ago it was only "smiles" as a comment.. like this"  ))"             

Alexana5 avatar

verindur  agree :)) with your point.

Alexana5 avatar

Olga18375 Thank you!!!

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Dukascopy's censorship ;)

Hello, Everybody!!
Today I knew the secret of Ducaskopy's Blogging Censorship.
Everything is much more easy, then we think And it also made me laught and still make me smile thinking about it!
Okey, those who ever had this problem too, will understand my reaction.
So whats the problem?
I wrote a Post (about my September summ up, put there links and everything Then I click Publish! And it not works.
Why? it sais "there should be 100 words) But it were already about 100+
SO? ))
I wrote t…
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verindur avatar

What a heartache !!!!!!!!

Stix avatar
Stix 2 Out

I find Dukascopy have a lot of wisdom. My 2 cents. :) :)

JulianaJ avatar

сердечко :))

JungaBunga avatar

I know why, and I can predict what is another sign

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Hello dear friends
I have been busy in weekend and i didn't found enough time to write but i will today ...
Ok to be a good blogger is to be a good researcher for his/her followers and to share something interesting and informative and look what i found : 7 types of bloggers.I will write later in other future blogs "How to write a good content blog "but today i want you to read this and to define yourself :WHAT KIND OF BLOGGER ARE YOU ? No blogger is the same. Every blog we read from our users h…
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 17 Mar

HelgaPehkel :What kind of blogger are you ?

Erialda avatar
Erialda 17 Mar

jezz :What kind of blogger are you , let me know ?

HelgaPehkel avatar

hah)) nobody answer((( well i am Hedonists)) according to tags

Erialda avatar
Erialda 17 Mar

HelgaPehkel :Thank you ;)

jezz avatar
jezz 17 Mar

I like to provoke, sell the life stories, have a comical view of things. I like sarcasm, most of my blogs here have a secret message or inspiration. They come from life, they come from happiness, they come from pain, they come from the cruelty of life - packed in a life experience that you wouldn't want to miss :D

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Hello girls and boys , today i want to discuss with you , i have some questions in my mind and i want to share with you .
Let's begin :
  1. What does mean blogging for you ?
  2. All girls here are blogging , writing different topics , i would like to ask :According to you what topics should write a girl to have an interesting blog , about animals, just uploading photos, about herself, her life, curiosities etc
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agddivisas avatar

interesant question.

Fxtrader500 avatar

2. I pay very little attention to these kind of topics, unless it really stands out, i.e. Must be something very interesting/unique.3. I prefer the following topics: Forex, Stocks, Economics & Technology. 4. Fact-checking, relevance & overall language quality.5. Keep it short but make it interesting.

Erialda avatar
Erialda 17 Mar

@tamison : Thank you for your opinion

Erialda avatar
Erialda 17 Mar

Faster : i always had , and i will have good ideas :P

Docdow avatar
Docdow 26 Mar

I  trade ..following price action .. ..removing opinion as much as i can...

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Something about blogging

I am in a bit philosophical mood today and so while I was surfing in Miss Dukascopy blogs in timelines I was thinking how come there are plenty of interesting, smart people, but journal is almost empty, especially looking at the number of comments, discussions and actual engagement in the contest, apart from several popular members.
This will be very honest blog post and I’m expressing my opinion with purpose of challenge people be more active and create engaging content that is not only for “Li…
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Atashi_Tada avatar

Sonja - I will do it for sure, at least here:) Did you have other blogs before?

jezz avatar
jezz 11 Jan

I started blogging here... and caught myself in sharing thoughts and interesting things I saw. I may need some polishing, but I found myself in this community because of people I found. Otherwise I would just turn to trading and forget all this.
Yes, the liking part has hurtful, but you try to do your best, not to get dragged into that posting of nonsense just for counting likes. I missed to see your blog among hundreds of meaningless posts. And I liked it, really, once I found it :D
And I have say on Daytrader21 blog - just perfect, consistent, high quality, reading with pleasure

Iryna avatar
Iryna 11 Jan

Totally agree with you, Atashi!
We need to create interesting blogs and chat! It's cool!

Atashi_Tada avatar

Jezz - thanks a lot, i'm glad you enjoy blogging here, it's good start for winning some great prizes! Daytrader is great, very valuable member for this community imho!

Atashi_Tada avatar

Iryna - correct, so let's make it :)

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