Hello, community! Today I'd like to tell you about one person. He is a great singer, actor, writer and his name is Tyrese. You kow what, first time I noticed him as a singer, when I was watching the Boys and Girls movie. It's some american romantic comedy with Jason Biggs and Fredy Prince Jr., but there was a very romantic and emotional moment and at this moment I heard a very beautiful song by Tyrese called Lately. This song is already 18 years old actually, but I can listen it every day, over and over again. So last year I found Tyrese's facebook page somehow and I was just impressed! He is a great motivator and he is very open minded and nice. He shares with everybody his love ad you know, many times I really found a big sense in his words, he almost changed my life and my mind. But please don't think that I'm his crazy fan, no, but he is just amazing. He has a small daughter and looking at them how I wish my father could love so much as Tyrese does. He shares many ideas and plans, he creates something new every single day. Also you may know him by those movies 2fast 2furious and Transformers, so his sense of humor is sooo cool and gorgeous. So this man wrote books about relationships between men and women and now he has his TV-show called 'it's not you, it men'. So I'm so happy to have a chance to have such a person in my life, who brings joy and happiness. Tyrese was a poor boy and he knows how hard and difficult this life can be, but he is strong and smart enought to stay happy from day to day! So, I like persons who have a big and beautiful souls and Tyrese Gibson is one of them!)

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