Hello friends,

I come from Czech republic. And Czech republic has famous great czech cousine and czech great czech beer.
I would like to show you our national dish "Sirloin in cream sauce" called in czech "Svíčková". It is delicious combination of tender beef with creme sauce and of course neccessary dumplings.

And I you want to prepare it at home you will need.

750 g beef (beef or rear)
150 g of carrots
150 g celery
75 g of parsley
1 large onion
50 g bacon, cut into narrow wedges
150 g butter
ground pepper
5 grains of whole peppercorns
3 grains allspice 3 bay leaves
pinch of thyme
100 g mustard
2 tablespoons flour
250 ml of whipped cream
eventually. milk to thin
lemon slices
cranberry compote

Into the meat put bacon , use salt and pepper , sprinkle with chopped onion, grated cleaned vegetables , spices , lemon juice and drizzle with melted butter. Let one day in the fridge to rest for . The second day of meat pour a small amount of water Cover and simmer in the oven until soft . Soft meat out and remove the spices , especially bay leaf . Casserole with vegetables then placed on the plate and slowly bring to a boil. Add the mustard , sprinkle with about 2 tablespoons of flour , fry . Pour in cream and over low heat , stirring occasionally boil. If the sauce is too thick , dilute it with milk . Finally, strain it . Add salt to taste , lemon juice or use sugar . To enhance the taste of the sauce we can put a little caramel.Slice meat across the grain into individual portions , put it back into the sauce and heat through. Serve garnished with a slice of lemon and cranberry sauce and bread dumplings.

Bon appetite

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