It's Chuseok time in Korea! Er.... um... actually it's over... It was Sept 18-20. It's a 3 day Holiday. People in Korea do the same things that North American's do except the food is different. They eat.... Spam. Spam is a popular Chuseok gift. It's something that Americans brought over during war times and it was cheap and easy to bring over and a reminder of home. War time, was a poor time, so like in Hawaii, people ate spam. Ah.... BEAUTIFUL Hawaii.

Of course Rice cakes are eaten as well as traditonal korean food and autumn foods like chestnuts and pumpkin.

Here is a video showing Korean Traditional clothes which are worn for the festivities.
2 popular kpop groups wishing everyone a happy chuseok.

Here is a link to the Korea Tourism board's info for Chuseok.
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