Hello Community!
Today is Monday and, as for me, it is the perfect time to talk about stress! LOL
I have some good news about that. Do you know that there are two types of human behavior in stress? One -who are so stressed that not able to eat at all and second -who are like "vacuum machine "start to eat everything even without understanding what it is!))) So, despite on the type you belong to, there is already solution found out! Anyway you oblige to switch on brains in any situation so, please, from now remember that there are several foods which can help to relieve stress. You can eat it all together if you belong to the second type. LOL
If you are member of the first one, try to make at least a small snacks and you will see the difference straight away.

So, lets start:
  • Oatmeal with berries and walnuts
  • Whole grain crackers with nut butter
I know it sounds like a poison BUT!!!! One of the world's famous nutritional experts is saying that those crackers are full of carbohydrates will stabilize your blood pressure, butter as a pure protein will bring you a good level of sugar plus useful fats. All together will reduce stressful condition of the body. Besides, you don't have to eat a kilo) LOL
  • Veggies with raw cheese
  • Glass of hot water with lemon
  • Any Sushi Roll with salmon (preferably with brown rice if you do it yourself)
  • Cashews
  • Dark chocolate.
Understandable I think))))
  • Green or camomile tea
  • Vegetable smoothie with herbs
  • Super food seeds
  • Whole grain toast with avocado
  • Brazil nuts.
For info, two of these nuts contain daily dose of selenium human body need!
  • Quinoa
  • Apple
  • Hard boiled egg
  • Bananas
You can add almond butter and some pumpkin seeds. It will work the same way as crackers with walnut butter.
  • Oysters
The main point here is you will stop to eat your stress with deserts and other trash foods as your body will be full filled with all vitamins and micro elements you need. As you can see, another problem solved! But, it is better stay calm in any life situation)))
Take care of yourself! J.xoxo
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