Happy Tuesday Community!
Have you ever heard about San Yin Jiao spot?
Than I am ready to share with you some interesting information, especially for women.
Because San Yin Jiao spot is the secret of women's timeless youth and health.
Where to find this spot?
So, this spot is located on internal side of both calves. It is easy to find. You put your for fingers on your internal side of calve right over ankle and it will be situated over your forefinger right over your ankle.
What do you need to do?
Make massage every day of 10 mins minimum on each leg or even more often if you feel like you need it. The best way to make massage is to push this spot with your thong as it is the most strong among all fingers or you can also use small special hammer for massage.
Why do you need it for?
  • It helps to regulate your menstrual cycle
  • Reduce appearance of dark spots
  • Reduce appearance of beauty spots
  • Prevent flabbiness of skin
  • Stimulate work of uterus and ovaries
  • Helps to treat sexual apathy
  • Helps to harmonize body and soul
  • Helps to calm down nervous system
  • Helps to treat insomnia
The secret is of good shape is quite simple just don't be lazy to devote some time to yourself. Sometimes not traditional ,medicine is working better than any pills or creams. So why just not to try?

Good luck and take care of yourself! J. xoxo
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