Hello Community!
I have a question. . How do you usually start your day?
They say that the best way to make your body wake up and work in the morning is to have a glass of water. It can be room temperature water, warm or water with lemon or. . . WATER WITH LEMON AND HONEY!
If you want to say fit and healthy this is the best way to start your day.

  • Helps to lose weight
  • Improves functioning of the colum
  • Treats constipation
  • Improves digestion
  • Cleans the lymphatic system
  • Boost your energy
  • Makes your mood higher Cleans your urinary tract and acts as a diuretic
  • Cleans skin and boost natural shining
  • Removes bad breath and improve your oral system in general
How to prepare?

Tall glass (about 250 ml), juice of half of lemon and tea spoon of honey. Warm up the water, mix it with lemon juice and honey and drink for empty stomach.

This drink should be the first thing you do in the morning. You allowed to have breakfast in 25 -30 mins and drink your morning tea or coffee not earlier than in 1 hour.
Have you ever try this drink? Share your opinion))))))
Stay positive and take care of your self!
With love.
J. xoxo
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