Hello i will start this blog with a Julia Roberts quotes ...
She has the most beautiful smile i ever seen...
Well not every day is a smiling day
So i suggest why not to start today with a beautiful smile , smile to the sun, smile to the people , smile to your heart..
Sometimes we feel depresed, stressful, in anxiety, from work , other people , debts ,death ....so why not to start your day with positive thoughts and to smile ... Today is a new day for me ...!
Start your day by listening your favorite music, watching your favorite comic movie, get out to take a fresh air , talk with friends and don't forget to smile... Because smiling, forced or not, can have a positive effect on your mood, decrease stress levels, and even make everyone around you feel better. Here are some surprising benefits of smiling that will really give you something to smile about.

Do you know that :
  1. Smiling is Contagious
  2. You will decrease stress and anxiety
  3. Smiling releases endorphins
  4. You will be more attractive
  5. You will have strong Imune system
  6. You will be more friendler
  7. Smiling can make you more comfortable in situations you would otherwise feel awkward in
  8. You will be trustworthy
  9. You will be a better leader :So, the next time you really want to show off those leadership skills, just smile

Smiling is an easy way to boost your mood, be healthier, feel better, and be viewed as more trustworthy and a better leader. Whenever you’re in a stressful situation or are feeling down, slap a grin on your face so you can take advantage of the many benefits smiling has to offered to you

So live your day with a beautiful smile and celebrate The Day of Smile as much possible in your life ...

I am ... ...and you ...?


*Erialda *

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