While we are reviewing results for October, nothing is over yet. Girls, you should be active

Miss Community
To fight for the nomination "Miss Community", you have to be active in November.

Miss Blogger
Same story here, we'll publish a fresh task today. Keep doing the good job and the prizes await you in December.

And now Q&A regarding Miss Dukascopy

Q: Who will become Miss Dukascopy?
A: We don't know just yet. It will be decided on November 20, during Geneva Forex Event.

Q: Who will fight for Miss Dukascopy Nomination?
A: The participants in top10 overall rating. We are going to publish it soon.

Q: Who will choose THE ONE and ONLY Miss Dukascopy?
A: Guests of the Geneva Forex Event on November 20. You will see it LIVE on our TV and will follow also the text comments from the Event.

Q: What will be happening in December?
A: We are preparing some special events for you. Stay online, stay active.
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