Hey everyone,

Since there are so many people from different countries in the community.
We all share different culture and tradition
Today, I would like to share mine to all of you
It is about our traditional fashion and costume - Qi pao

Qi pao is a traditional and extraordinary Chinese dress. Qi pao symbolizes Chinese women's modesty, dedicate and beauty. In the past, Qi pao was regarded as the highest of standards of dress code for Chinese women. Even now, many women wear it to show their special grace and unique charm.It is kind of a modern designer's fashion icon.

In terms of fashions, the glory of Qi pao stands out from other costume. The unique design and cutting of Qi pao completely demonstrate women's feminine figure. And the special embroidery on it represent the delicateness and preciousness. (But don't expect you will see women wearing Qi pao on the street in China, it is not the case! Normally we wear it during the Chinese wedding)

Let’s see how Qi pao makes silly Nicole a graceful, classy and elegant lady lol

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