My dear traders This is my best and Latest strategy used Instrument
: GBPUSD: Indicator, Stochastic RSI Take Profit (TP) 4 Stop Loss (SL)
0, Strategy Working Method: Buy trade1 . stochastic RSI crossover on 4
hourly timeframe should generate a buy signal fast K should cross
above fast D2. On 15 timeframe fast K should cross above fast D3. K`s
value should be below 20. crossover should happen during current
candle . Sell trade1. stochastic RSI crossover on 4 hourly timeframe
should generate a sell signal fast K should cross below fast D2. On 15
timeframe fast K should cross below fast D3. K`s value should be above
80. crossover should happen during current candle . This Stochastic
RSI Working with price oversold below 20 and price overbought above 80
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