#Miss Dukascopy Task , #November: Task 1 , #Miss Dukascopy 2018 Is impudence really the second happiness? The question looks to be simple at first glance but it is really deep in fact. Is impudence a strength or a weakness? Is it the power to follow your goals? Or weakness under pressure irrepressible instincts and arbitrary reactions? A person who knows exactly what he wants and follows his goal often is called impudent. A person who comes and takes it without hesitation. Is it good to want and dream? Is it good to know what you want? Is it good to follow your dream? Often the impudence is synonymous with unscrupulousness and rudeness. Since childhood I was taught that before you do something, think, what would a Princess (when I was a child, incarnate of Princess was Diana). The Princess knows what she wants. She knows why. She knows how. But achieves this gracefully. Certainly without rudeness. You can talk about concepts for a long time. The concept of impudence is very vague. Often it is interpreted as negative, aggressive, powerful. In society, it is customary to observe the norms of behavior, certain foundations. Freud has several works where he points out that the norms of society are contrary to human nature. But these rules are necessary for the successful existence of society itself. And then there is the question of what is power - the ability to manifest the nature or to curb it in the name of the common good.
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