My mistress's eyes are nothing like the sun… Такими словами начинается знаменитый Шекспировский 130 сонет, в котором автор воспевает обычную, земную красоту любимой женщины. Испокон веков авторы старались использовать самые красивые слова, чтобы донести свои чувства наилучшим образом.
Английский язык, имеющий многовековую историю развития, взрастил в своей колыбели множество слов и лингвистических приёмов, благодаря которым речь становится певучей и благозвучной.

Love makes the world go round Some people think that money makes the world go round. But for true romantics, love is the most important thing in life. You can say “He/she makes my world go round” if you want to tell people that you really love your partner.
Your better half This refers to your partner. Some people say ‘my other half’ – but saying ‘my better half’ shows a bit more respect to your partner and implies that he or she makes you a better person.
The light of my life The light of your life is the person who makes you smile, and feel great! You could also say to your loved one, “Darling, you light up my life”.
She drives me crazy! Love makes people do strange things! If somebody drives you crazy, they make your heart beat faster and you find them really attractive. For example, “You’re crazy about Anna, why don’t you ask her out?”
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