YES it is a beautiful season. Everywhere you look, new life is being born, plants are growing, flowers blooming, and houses are getting a good spring cleaning! The spring season is ideal for care of your health, body and soul. Rejuvenate the necessary energy with us and embark on a journey of a healthy lifestyle. Body detoxication is suitable after winter, I usually prepare a different detox water with a different flavor with fresh fruits especially with seasonal fruits and a lot of ice cubes. The spring season brings with it a bounty of delicious fresh fruits and vegetables! These yummy foods are a synch to work into our family’s diet, as many of them are great eaten as a snack. I always choose foods wisely. I prefer greens, I eat a lot of greens, so my food life rule is only GREENS. If winter is too cold and summer is too hot, spring is just right for outdoor exercise, I prefer after dinner walk or an early morning run. When spring comes along with it comes also allergies. I’m allergic to pollen, grass, dust, it also means sneezing, congestion, a runny nose, and this is the only thing I hate during spring season. I take allergy medicines. (Ahhh, Spring!) It’s essential to ensure skin is healthy year-round. So just because you’ve gotten through the dry winter air doesn’t mean you can stop taking care of your skin. One way to keep my skin looking and feeling great is to make sure I’m getting enough vitamins. ( a lot of vitamin C) Welcome Spring!
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