• Drink an adequate amount of water: more water became habit for me, at least 2.5 L daily.
  • Drink a glass of water 15 minutes before eating : one of the most intelligent ways to reduce your meal size, I used this technique before marathon and will continue as diet habit for life.
  • The last meal should be 3-4 hours before sleep : For me my dinner just fruits, one apple, one banana or some orange but just fresh fruits.
  • Walk at least 10 000 steps every day : my daily steps before marathon was around 5000-6000 so this was challenge because 10,000 steps around 5-6 Km, and need around 60-75 minutes of walking, not easy but done sufficiently.
  • Run at least 1 time a week : Done in 30 Minutes, around 3 Km, there is post about it, but it is not easy to do.
  • Do 30 sit-ups every day : This technique with other done every day in my home or GYM before the marathon, next week, video for me will be uploaded.
  • Spend less time on the social networks: it is not easy as was expected for me, sometimes I felt addicted to social media, but I tried reduction especially in vocations and holidays as I tried to be real social not internet social, but progress really is slow.
  • Sleep 8-9 hours per day : also it was not easy to take 8 hour of sleeping daily especially when someone have baby sleep near him, but this partially succeed when someone sleep early.
  • My weight last Thursday was 76.6, with simple techniques used above, it felt to 75.3, good and optimistic thing.
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