Spring season is known as the most pleasant season . Everything in the nature become active and feels new life on the earth. But for women this season become very transitional. We face with the fact that our skin become dehydrated and body not in the perfect shape. So I would like to share with you some of my own ways to make our skin looks healthier and glow again. One of the way is taking to take warm bath with sea salt and essential oil. There is many different types of essential oil. My favorite are: orange, lavender, ylang-ylang. When you choose oil you have to know what effect you would like to have . For example: lavender - used for stress relief , ylang-ylang- used to treat headaches, nausea and skin conditions, peppermint- used to boost energy and help with digestion and so on. So choose whatever you like and add some drops of oil into the sea salt after put it in the bathtub and dissolve in the warm water. After taking bath I am scrubbing my body with coffee mixed with Shea butter and . And the last step I moisturize my body with pressed avocado oil or jojoba oil. In the end you you got relaxed body and mind with beautiful glowing skin. I suggest to try to everyone while cold march doesn’t want to leave us alone. ))) Next subject about what I would like to talk is our food. I think our diet should be balanced and specifically fit to every type of body. I think our daily life should be fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, grains. But sometimes I like experiments and try different diets. I am totally different from most of the women, instead of loosing weight I am trying to gain it, because genetically very slim, my weight is 49-50 kg. Now I will tell about Paleo diet that I have tried long time ago. It will help to those who would like to loose weight and make their skin look more beautiful . The Paleo diet claims that modern humans should eat the same foods that their ancestors ate. The theory is that most modern disease can be linked to the western diet and consumption of grains, dairy and processed food. How it works: the paleo diet emphasized whole foods, lean protein, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, while avoiding processed foods, sugar, dairy and grains. My result after one month was very good, skin improved a lot, especially on the face and yes I lost weight so thats why decide its not my type of diet, but I recommend it. I hope someone will try it and write me feedback about it . Everyone knows to keep our body in shape we have to do physical exercises. But this is also not enough. We want to meet spring not just with a good shape with a nice skin, but also happy mood and harmony. What I do and suggest its yoga. Yoga is not just a group of physical exercises but also spiritual way to know your inner word.
I wish for everyone productive and happy spring .

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