Lipstick! This part of make-up play atmost big role in my life, as far I am considered that the colour of your lips can provide even more about your mood that you good explain in words...
From classic red to hot pink, find out what your favorite hue says about you.
"You are sending out emotionally charged signals, wearing a color associated with passion, energy and action. You're a bold, confident woman and one in her sexual prime."
Nude: "You want to be taken seriously, h
ave nothing to hide and a lot to give. There's a vulnerability and sensitivity to your approach but with the right partner, you're willing to bare your soul and wear your heart on your sleeve."
Hot Pink:
"Pink is the color of innocence, but you've added some heat too, signaling a mixed message of approach-avoidance. Your date may be confused as to what you want from a relationship, and maybe you're not too sure yourself, but ultimately it must appeal to your heart, body and soul."Burgundy: "Your color reflects your strong, decisive character, but you may find yourself holding back on the date, unwilling to give away too much too soon. It's a color that says you're strong but take a while to get to know you, so your date needs to be patient."
Coral: "You are approaching the date with enthusiasm, playfulness and the right amount of balance. You want to be noticed, know where you are going and may be in a hurry to get there. You're willing to have fun and just see where it goes."
"With its undertones of purple, you've gone for a regal hue that conveys an image of sophistication and uniqueness. This shade also suggests enlightenment and creativity, so you're expecting some stimulating conversation, someone out of the ordinary, and your date had better deliver."

So i hi=ope it was quite interesting for you..
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