Interesting task! If I’m not reading too much into it, but the task is not asking WHAT your dreams are. The task is not asking to describe or talk about your dreams. That’s good! I have a lot of dreams and we would be here forever. Plus, who needs to read all this?! Now, what would I do to make my dreams come true? A lot. Almost anything. Am I ready to make sacrifices and embark on a long hard journey? Yes.

Not that I’m qualified to give advice on this topic, but as far as specific steps …..I guess first it’s important to know what your dreams are. Define your dreams and be specific. Decide what makes your blood boil and brings passion out of you. It’s hard. Not an easy task to know what you want and equally important (if not more) to know what you don’t want.

Next, be brave to go after it. If you let your fear stand in your way, you’ll be left with regrets thinking what it would be like if you had pursued your dreams and your dreams would come true. You block your dreams when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.

Next, I think everything has a price in life. In business/economics studies, there is concept of “opportunity cost,” which basically means that for every choice we make, we must give up something else. There is a “price” or “cost” to everything that we do. It may not be a financial cost, but there is a cost nonetheless. Whether it’s taking a test, finding a great job or a great love, getting rich, losing weight or becoming next Miss Dukascopy..

Now, the question is whether you are willing to pay that price. It’s like a cost-benefit analysis or whether the cost outweighs the benefits. It’s a very personal and difficult question. Similarly to economics, a lot of variables affect that decision. But when you have a dream, you have to be willing to let go of other things or realize there is an opportunity cost for pursuing your dreams. Is your dream worth it?

The path of mastery helps us to understand that the thing we are giving up in the short term isn’t as fulfilling as the thing we are building towards in the future. But the problem is, if we are stepping into uncertainty, we don’t yet know or believe that the future we are building towards is actually possible – so we are stepping out on faith. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Have faith!

Finally, no man is an island. Find and reply on role models, mentors and true friends who believe in you. Knock and the door will be opened to you. What you open no one can shut, and what you shut no one can open.

What do I believe in? Eleanor Roosevelt said: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Would I make sacrifices and embark on a long hard journey to achieve my dreams? Definitely!

Thank you for reading.

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