Hi people,

Today after one working week without Miss Dukascopy Contest I must admit I feel wonderful.
Like I'm on some kind of rehab!!! :P

No, seriously... as you notice I quit from participating on Miss Dukascopy. No more!

One day I just decided to quit. It's over! After almost one year of being active member of this Smart People Community I decided to move on...
This crazy race for likes, chating, earning serious money for trading... omg I really have no time for this anymore. I can't be in front of the computer all day long. My kids need me more than ever. To spend my time with them, not in front of computer or mobile phone.
This is the main reason for my quiting.

One day my son did something after all not so bad thing, and I yelled at him, only because I was so tired. After that he told me: Mom, I had to somehow trigger your attention! You're lately non stop on your lap top!!!

OMG, I was ashamed and frozen at the same time. I hugged my son, and I said; I'm sorry! I know that last days I work in hurry, all this activities, works, obligations.... I'm so tired!
At that moment I decided: No More!!!

I saw now that finally Dukascopy do something for fake blog post. I like it very much! Here are lot's of very smart girls and women so please, stop playing monkey with them! I notice some of them quit too! For me is too late. I already decided, although my blog posts are always written on my way blogging. I'm not afraid of results for March.

I must tell that I'm very proud of myself, 40 years woman from Croatia always in top 10 participants without knowing anybody in Dukascopy bank. This is great. I gained here lot's of great new friends and I have to mention thier names here: jezz, Ilona, sonjatrader, Helga, Erialda, Atashi... and I like very much Maria_r, Mariia, Olga, anitapreisa, rozica, s_amira... and some other girls. Guys? there is a lot of smart guys I made a new friendship with!

I win some money here, so it is time to move on. Focus only on my trading. I was hoping to win some more money, but obviously I can't, although I'm a trader for 5 years. This year I neglected my trading because of participating here. I figured out that this is not my path.

Thank you Dukascopy for every good moments end experiences, thank you for iPhone 5s,...thank you for my English improvement...
Probably I will write from time to time something here, when I will found some time because I like to write and I'm a blogger, but I will not participate anymore.

I started one new business in Croatia and I have to work. This first week of my new work I earned one average salary in Croatia. Great. It's good feeling to earn real money after long time!!! weeeeee!!!!

And Nick, sorry but I wan't do your challenge, running for 5 km, although I wished. I can't, don't know when! I know you will understand me when you will have 40 years and 2 or 3 children around you and one lovely wife!!!
or maybe one day I will surprise you... who knows!

Thank you all cheerleaders for your support; nastia, Eugenia, Marie, Patrisha, old good MakVika, grande Doireann1, and for me the best meyermasha!!! I love that woman!!! ))
It was my pleasure to meet you all and do the job with you!!!

I hope we will meet each other one day and have one great party!

People, stay cool, stay yourself, stay beautiful, stay fabulous... get educated!!!

Play by rules! I wish you all the best!!!
see you...

one great song for all of you, great voice and great artist Asaf Avidan:
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