Obviously, when seducing a man you have to remember a lot of tricks. First off all and above all, you have to not forget about your looks. The first impression on men is looks. He won't want to discover your personality if you look unpleasant. Just remember - always be clean and a bit of make up won't hurt (not necessarily bright make-up).
How to stand out of the crowd? Try to remember your best side. Humour? Charm? Brain? If humour is your strength, then joke around a little bit and the man of your dreams will point you out. But do not joke too much, remember - you want to seduce a man instead of being his "clown".
Try to read the hot news. What's happening in the world? Nowadays, a lot of women are not interested in news, they are more highlighting their appearance. You, on the other hand, can impress your target by giving some new information and trust me, he will be smitten on the spot.
If you are meeting in the group of friends, try to sit next to him and address to him most of the questions. It's important to let him know that you are interested in him as well, it's not embarrassing at all. Point him out, compliment him at the right moment and he will understand that the feeling is mutual.
Of course, there are situations when your man is not responding to the ques, don't worry! Maybe he is shy and closed inside? Don't rush it, give him sometime to get closer to you, it will be worth it, you will see!
Finally, last but not least - be yourself! Fake manners are always easy detectable by men and nobody likes them. Sincerity is the most important factor, everything else is secondary!

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