Finally Im Home

Want to share an my "Bollywood" dance with you and the story behind it
One year ago, I took a part in one online training course, about reaching the AIM.
Everybody should write a list of aims and wishes and choose one.
Promise of the course was that after 100 steps you will reach your aim.
And we had everyday tasks with deadline by the midnight. (who will not complete it, is OUT)
So I was original as always and decide to choose one wish, witch I had when I was 16 years old. I wanted to play a role in Bollywood movies Yes. I took this wish as an aim, and made a everyday steps to it.
Even we had many crazy tasks, but two of them was TOO MUCH for me.
First was - "you have 24hourTO FIND the person in real who already ACHIEVED your AIM and talk with him and took the interview with him.

so for me it was like" I need to find someone who was filmed in Bollywood movie in my town! What the research I made this day, you can't imagine! I called actor agencies wich provide actors to movies and I knew that one year ago there was filming one part of Indian movie..I found a particular agency who's actors took part in filming, but they didn't answer me. Ofcourse I wrote to every friend who connected with India, been there or still living there.
Even I found an agents who are seek for people who want to play in a crowd scenes.
I even called to deputy Ruslan Pankratov he is a politician, but every year he lead excursions in Himalayas mountains, and he is about India and culture.
I talk with him on phone, and he said unfortunately he don't remember anybody at the moment who does.

At the same day I was also having my work,plans and so on..crazy

Then finally at the way home, when I was frustrating, because I didn't manage to make the task, but I felt that I did much as I can for it..
I met my neighbor, and share this thoughts with him.. that I searching for someone who was filmed in Indian movie.

And he SAID HE DOES! Last year in particular film, wich I knew was filmed there. He said he was in a draw in a bicycle right behind the main actoes. They filmed this short scene about 40 minutes in many angles.

Hahaha thats was amazing! So I was still in a training course!

And the Second Task was to Film a part or play as youre already achieve your AIM and you're right in a moment
So my wish was about Bollywood film, so I decide to dance!
But it was hard for me, because that day I had a FEVER! Yeas I was sick... but I knew that by the moment of filming I must forgot about it.
And I did it! as you see in a video, it cannot be seen that i have a fiver or sick %) magic + song I like.

So what do you think? about such intensive online training courses with deadline by 24 hours? and crazy tasks?

video is right in a link)
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