When I was a little girl, I was longing for the sees that I never saw. I was longing for the mountains that I've never climbed. I was longing to be far away, perhaps as far as a human can get to fully enjoy these experiences, to enjoy myself, to learn about myself and to explore the unknown

"I want to explore the unknown", she said, when packing the tiny suitcase.

6 years ago I was a freshman looking for opportunities anywhere. All my roads were open and so I was open for any big or small adventure that awaited for me. After having gotten a few interesting internship offers I decided to pack my belonging and headed to... NEW ZEALAND.

"Why so far?", my mom worried on the phone. "Couldn't you have chosen even a further place?", I heard her on the phone.
"Mom, that IS literally the furthest place... I want to explore the unknown", I hazed towards the grey sky in Denmark, imagining how blue and crazy they are over there, all over the Unknown Land.

New Zealand met me with the soft breeze (when I left Denmark it was +2 over there and close to +20C in New Zealand!), new exotic smells, fabulous mountain views and magnificent, breathtaking, indescribable waters, seas, lakes that would be crystal clear - so clear you'd see the fish underneath!

"Mom", I called. "I left to see the places I've never been to. I used to dream of seeing the land of Lord of Rings, the land of Kiwi and the land full of multi-culturalism. And now I'm here...", I teared up, while standing in the post office to send a postcard for my mom. "And now I'm here..."

New Zealand was one of my "dream-came-true" places. For the first time in my life I have:
- Seen and even touched (!!) a real-life kiwi bird
- Saw a real-life Maori HAKA performance (just google it!)
- Flew in a private helicopter
- Saw & explored the places where "The Lord of Rings" was filmed
- Teared up and cried like a baby just because it was so beautiful & breathtaking.

If you're longing for the unknown the only way to fill yourself is to dig in it 100%. Otherwise, you will feel empty and not accomplished as opposite to happy and inspired.

After all, traveling is the only thing we buy... that makes us RICHER!
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