Today went by very quickly.

First, I had to be at work quite early for a meeting and presentation; so, I had to get out of bed earlier than usual. I was able to put in my early morning run and completed the 10,000 steps obligation.

The run left me feeling very awake; I am guessing this is what they call a runner’s high; that rush of blood and Adrenalin that comes from bodily exertion.

Then my cross-fit routine and 75 sit-ups.

Somehow, I was able to do all this within two hours, most of this time was spent on the run of course.

  • Breakfast was toast bread and butter, washed down with two cups of tea.
  • Lunch was a plate of spaghetti and fresh tomato sauce.
  • Dinner is going to be a mashup of pawpaw and pineapples.
The guy who owns the fruit stand has become a good friend, I am even getting some good discounts. Who ever said eating healthy didn’t pay.

Other achievements for the day included:
  • No fast food (I am saving quite a lot of money here)
  • No alcohol (Staying away from even the occasional drink)
  • Social network time still around an hour and a half
  • I still got the punk hair style and was rocking my traditional attire

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