Hello everyone!

Welcome to new members, I hope all of you will experience something amazing and meet great people!
I'm here from the start, from first miss competition. It's a really lovely place, but in last years my life is going a bit crazy, So my free time is very reduced... First, favourite thing that happened to me here was new year task and I want to share here, again, my wining video for that task. From 2014, things changed a bit
Well, ordinary things are pretty same, Im on master studies in Architecture and really enjoy it. Arch is my biggest love and I lounched my portfolio - dorazivkovic.portfoliobox.net
Still blogging about fashion, but not so often... And now, my blog is on new address - www.teodorazivkovic.com ! Really love design of new website. About fashion, my biggest experience was to visit Milano Fashion Week last february, and it was amazing as it sounds
I was writting couple of times that I'm working on lots of charity projects, in Rotaract club in my city. And there are about 20 great, ambitious people, from very different professions, So it's really pleasure to work in that team. This year, I have honor to lead that team, and we realised 3 big projects. Favourite, was named "Wear your sketch", in which we were drawing with childrens from Special School and later we designed clothes - dresses and t-shirts with their drawings. That was our little present for them and we present it on 3 fashion shows in our city! It was really emotionally!
I don't have words to describe how big challenge is for me, to realise all of thoose charity projects and make it real from just ideas
And interesting fact is that now, besides all the obligations, I have opportunity to work one month in big company - Philip Morris, and there is of course, lots of things that you can learn, which makes you complete person.

So... Beginning of new year always brought me here. To think about what i have done last year and what are my resolutions for next year! I wish to all, Happy New Year and lots of health, love, success in 2017!
I hope we will read our stories here, more often, than in last years...

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