"The Hunger" - the debut work of the director Tony Scott with a brilliant trio of Catherine Deneuve - David Bowie - Susan Sarandon. Gothic aesthetics of film - the half-light and shades, rapidly aging Bowie, cold, beautiful and immortal Catherine (Miriam) - hide scanty vampire story Whitley Strieber's novel about a female vampire who deceives her lover, promising him eternal life. In fact, the hero David Bowie expects a sad prospect - aging for a few days and then go to the attic in a coffin made for him, like many other lovers of Miriam. In a last desperate attempt, he clings to the youth and freshness of the doctor (Sarandon), studies the problems of aging, but no - he is doomed. The film is filled with dark symbols and associations as well as the hearts of lovers of the heating gloomy esoteric.
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