Hello my dear friends!

Actually I'm not sure that a perfect man is exist. At any rate I have not still met him. But anyway I can try to imagine him

Sooooo...First of all let's speak about his appearance. I must confess I have never chosen a man because of his attractiveness. It doesn't matter for me how he looks like. He just should be neat and have a pleasant smell. Not much, really?)) As for his build I would like him to be not fat and not skinny. If he keeps his figure and does sport, it's perfect, but indeed even a small tummy does not spoil my ideal picture of him))) And last but not least my perfect man should be taller than me!It has always been a real problem to find someone who is taller than me. But here I can at least dream about it)))

Now let us proceed to his character. Character is much more important for me. First of all he should have a good sense of humor. The ability to joke with each other is really useful for every relationships. I would like him to be serious, ambitious and self-confident. These traits are crucial for a he-man. He should love, respect and support me under any circumstances. Also I would like to note the understanding between partners. It's very important to feel each other and to have a tacit understanding with your soulmate.

If one day I meet such a perfect man, I promise I will become an ideal woman for him too!

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