Mindful strength training is mind-body fitness at its best. This form of strength training directs our attention towards the energetic dimensions of our physical existence via mindfulness. This is what sets this method apart from other strength training practices, the deep connection that transpires. As a result, you will find your workouts progressively more nourishing and enjoyable. Another basic difference is that with Mindful Strength Training, we vividly focus on the muscles we’re training and the energy surrounding those areas, whereas in traditional strength training, we typically focus on the actual weights we’re lifting (from Point A to Point B). Our focus shifts from external to internal. The idea is to be fully aware of your flow of energy, movement, and presence, which serves as a vehicle for arriving at a higher level of consciousness. There’s not a demand for you do a specific number of repetitions, sets, or exercises. I’m simply suggesting that you integrate what is outlined in this section into a strength training regimen that works for you. In this program, I will provide you with a weekly workout routine you can try that caters to your own personal needs and fitness goals. This is a great starting point to get on track with a mindful strength training routine, and I’ll show you how meditation can be integrated into any exercise you choose. Strength Training Is Superior Since mindful strength training is a newly evolved form of traditional strength training, let me explain why it is the superior practice for enhancing the physicality of the human body. Research clearly shows that strength training is the ultimate method for building muscular strength, promoting muscle tone, and losing fat. Cardio, yoga, and Pilates all take a backseat to strength training, especially when it comes to fat loss. The research is clear about this, despite the old paradigm that still exists. Strength training gives you a metabolic spike (revs up your metabolism) for over 60 minutes after a workout, because your body is trying hard to help your muscles recover. That means you’ll keep burning calories for more than an hour after your strength training session. It’s like getting a two-for-one deal at the “getting-toned store.” If you lift heavier weights and rest only 30 seconds between sets, you will melt through even more calories. Muscle burns calories all day long, even while sleeping, because it takes more energy to sustain muscle tissue than fat. Why is it important to practice daily meditation in parallel with the strength training routine? Besides the abundant physiological benefits and healing properties of meditation, daily practice progressively conditions the mind and body toward higher consciousness, and primes us for maximum output during workouts.
Mindful Strength Objectives ú Experience more fluid movements. ú Experience your body as the energetic force that it is, rather than as just a lump of solid mass. ú Use intention to amplify your bioenergy and foster faster recovery and healing. ú Build a deeper connection with your authentic self. ú Improve body image and self-acceptance. ú Cultivate a calmer mind, and build a stronger body. Although the basic principles are constant, combining meditation with strength training before, during, and after workouts differs from other forms of meditation you may have tried in the past. Specific workouts and nutrition plan suggestions are provided to help guide you through this journey of mind and body. You’ll learn to focus on your muscles and the energy surrounding them as opposed to the actual training for a more internal and less external exercise. Do any of these apply to you? Do you want to feel good about how you look, no matter what? Many of us have an abusive relationship with our bodies, internally beating ourselves up every time we look in the mirror or step on the scale. Dukascopy helps me to understand that poor body image is passed on like a virus from imagery in magazines, movies, and mainstream media. When we learn to develop a stronger connection with our authentic selves, we tend to see ourselves through a more loving and accurate lens. I learned this the first time I start meditation process. Do you want to learn how to love and accept yourself more? Mindful Strength will expose you to a journey inward. Take challenges in Ducascopy marathon you will learn how to connect with your authentic self and become more exposed to your inner strength and beauty (as cheesy as that sounds). This diligent process leads you to begin to accept yourself more, and the people around you will also feel a difference in your presence. Do you want relief from stressing out and being in your head all day? Many of us are greatly affected by daily stresses and fears that create unease and suffering in our lives. They deplete and deprive us of our full potential. We know you don’t need another new study to convince you of the mind-relaxing potential of meditation. Mindful Strength creates energetic and spiritual alignment through meditation and mindfulness practices, which serve as a powerful force in relieving anxieties and helping us find meaning and purpose in life. The Three Fundamental Practices ú Mindfulness Meditation ú Mindful Strength Training ú Bioenergy Amplification Thanks everyone for your best supportive ideas and help me finish my journey in Dukascopy Marathon. My God take a good care of you.
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