This week, the rise in both the API stock and the EIA stock, while the U.S. today announced yesterday due to Easter holidays, the number of wells drilling Baker Hugo, 6 well fell as 798 took place. We will remember that the number of well described 804 with the record levels reached as TR. News flow ISE International Investment Bank J. P Morgan was one of the most significant co-ordinates that with the rise in rock gas production in the United States, prices could go down to $ 50 by the end of next year. Iraq's Oil Minister Luaibi recently announced that it would decide whether to extend the supply constraint agreement to oil production in 2019. While the ISE does not have an important data stream today, other news streams from important oil producer countries and international institutions should be followed together with technical prices.Technically, the Black Gold entering the recovery after 3-day trading may be followed by strong and versatile resistance levels of 69.80 and 71.20. Especially at the level of 71.20 kaliklarda shopping speed can win directional. 18.50 retracements, 68.75 and 68.40 support can be followed.
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