Peak rates and mighty problems made ​​Bitcoin famous. But there are already more than a hundred alternatives in crypto currencies. Together a value of several billion Dollars​​.
The digital currency Bitcoin is currently struggling with major problems. One of the major trading platforms, Mt Gox is currently closed. U.S. and Japanese investigators are interested in the process. Not good for the exchange rate of the Internet currency. Bitcoin's peak rates of over a thousand dollars a unit is far away, but it inspired a whole wave of alternatives, copies or even advancements.

Find about 120 alternative crypto currencies on the webpage of

Why do they exist? Andreas Antonopoulos, a specialist in IT and security consultant and a long-time observer of the scene, has got a surprising answer: "Because it's so easy to create a Coin." On sites like that goes with a few clicks - but the service has to be paid in Bitcoin. Many will find no attention, but some probably will.

Andreas Antonopoulos: "Alternative currencies are at least test labs, trying out new ideas, Bitcoin then will and must integrate under certain circumstances. Many of those ain't nothing more than an internet trend, but some will find many users and will be financially relevant. The interesting thing is that you can never know which coins will make the race.
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