Yesterday industrial production figures from the euro zone remained well below the expected figures in the market, showing that economic disruptions continue. Although recent bad data from Europe has caused market-side concerns, expectations for a definitive step in the bond buying program at the ECB meeting today and the decline in Italian Bond interest rates have had a positive impact on euro assets. On the US side, the FED/FOMC decisions were followed by an interest rate increase of 25 basis points in parallel with market expectations. The Agency also stated that they could make 2 more interest increases in the continuation of this year while carrying out positive revisions in projections for later periods. The Fed's President Jerome Powell's more cautious approach led to upward movements in the pair, although the dollar assets after the announced Falcon decisions took back the losses during the day for a short time. In addition, expectations for today's ECB meeting have also limited downtrend in the pair. In this context, the decisions that will be announced today will be critical in terms of determining the direction in parity. In the data stream, the inflation figures (CPI) from Germany, retail sales from the United States and weekly Unemployment Rate applications may be important.Technically speaking, the last few days between 1.1730-1.1850 is a tight squeeze. In this context, it will be necessary to break one of the two levels to see the focus. Resistance levels 1.1865, 1.1905 and 1.1930 may be important for trading on 1.1800 at the moment. In case of failure to maintain above 1.1800, 1.1710, 1.1685, 1.1655 and 1.1630 support can be taken.
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