The European Central Bank (ECB) has recently announced that after significant announcements from officials about the bond buying program, expectations that the Bank may take significant steps towards the purchase of assets at the next meeting are causing positive prices on euro assets. On the other hand, Italy and Spain are currently supporting the euro side in positive news from the political arena. However, developments from countries should be closely monitored. On the US side, while tensions continue in both NAFTA talks and with China and the European Union regarding additional tariffs, the country's weekly Unemployment Rate applications have been better than expectations with 222,000. News feeds and technical pricing can be important for the rest of the day, while there is no significant data flow.In this context, we look at the technical parity; 1.5 month-long decline of the channel's refractive index, 1.1730 through the passage of the region, and we see that the upward attacks continue. Currently, 1.1855 resistance is being tested with the passage of this place kalıcılığla 1.1930 main resistance will follow. However, before the intermediate resistance 1.1870 and 1.1905 can be followed. Six 1.1790 1.1855 in permanence, and can be seen 1.1775 1.1750 pullbacks to support.
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