The USD fell against most g-10 currencies, excluding the JPY, as global markets continued to drop on Wednesday. In US markets, heavy winter conditions that hit the country's Northeast have an impact on the operations. Today's announcement of the ADP as 250K above expectations, ahead of the NFP to be announced, has reduced global losses. Try was the em currency that gained the most by 0.9% gain against the USD. The negative impact of the market has not been permanent since Halkbank Gmy Hakan Attila was convicted of 5 per cent of the Iranian embargo case. Inflation expectations are also seen as the sign that the Cbrt will continue its strict monetary policy. In the current position; if there is no negative result from the NFP, the exchange rate may decline to the 3,71 band. On the upside, the pair is going to be in a downward direction. The US-German bond interest spreadi and the European Central Bank (ECB), which contracted by the service sector PMI data showing that the euro zone closed 2017 with strong economic growth, also strengthened the EUR against the USD as positive data as well as expectations that it could join the Fed in 2018 in normalizing the monetary policy, and found the highest levels of The fact that the pair came to what Draghi called "strong" in September could be considered a scary side of this rise. Today, the CPI inflation from Europe and the US NFP figures will cause the EUR market to be very moving. Tepe 1.2090 may be safer for the new 1.20 – 1.2020 band may be retracements. The EUR's target after 1.2090 appears to be 1.2150.
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