
This strategy uses no technical indicator. I use 10 sec for default time period. EUR/GBP for default currency. It has 2 legs. First takes 8 gmt candle to analyze. The other cares about 10 GMT candle. 2 trades per day. It only trades 8 GMT to 16 GMT. I think it is useless and just waste of money otherwise trading. If all goes fine, DON'T USE THIS for real money trading. Good luck.
نسخة: تاريخ: الوضع: الوصف:
1 30.12.2018 Not running This strategy uses no technical indicator. I use 10 sec for default time period. EUR/GBP for default currency. It has 2 legs. First takes 8 gmt candle to analyze. The other cares about 10 GMT candle. 2 trades per day. It only trades 8 GMT to 16 GMT. I think it is useless and just waste of money otherwise trading. If all goes fine, DON'T USE THIS for real money trading. Good luck.  التحميل
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