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This strategy works in USD/JPY pair and uses KAIRI indicator to open trades. Strategy is split to 2 branches - one operate during night time, another during day time. During night time positions are smaller (2M) and SL tighter (12 pips), during day time positions are bigger (10M) and SL wider (120 pips). During night short position is open if KAIRI>0, and long position if KAIRI
نسخة: تاريخ: الوضع: الوصف:
2 06.07.2014 Not running kairiusdjpy  التحميل
1 27.06.2014 Executed kairiusdjpy  التحميل
أولترك تعليق

(كلمات اساسية بخصوص التغييرات)

(على سبيل المثال: 1.1, بيتا, الفا)