
This JForex strategy trades the EURUSD instrument on the 15Mins Period. The Strategy opens 1 trade per day during the london session between 1000 Hours to 1600 hours based on the DMI Indicator.
نسخة: تاريخ: الوضع: الوصف:
1.1 25.12.2023 Comp. error  التحميل
1.0 25.12.2023 Comp. error This JForex strategy trades the EURUSD instrument on the 15Mins Period. The Strategy opens 1 trade per day during the london session between 1000 Hours to 1600 hours based on the DMI Indicator.  التحميل
أولترك تعليق

(كلمات اساسية بخصوص التغييرات)

(على سبيل المثال: 1.1, بيتا, الفا)