ICHIMOKU_TRENDYrefinedv5 is simplified trading strategy built on SMA , Candle period . Execute trades on 10mins time frame with 35 S.L and 23 T.P. small, simple and profitable.
Versión: Fecha: Estatus: Descripción:
5 05.04.2015 Not running ICHIMOKU_TRENDYrefinedv5  Descarga
4 29.03.2015 Executed ICHIMOKU_TRENDYrefinedv5  Descarga
3 29.03.2015 Executed ICHIMOKU_TRENDYrefinedv5
2 28.03.2015 Executed ICHIMOKU_TRENDYrefinedv5
1 24.03.2015 Not running ICHIMOKU_TRENDYrefinedv5
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(ejemplo: 1.1, bet, alfa)