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MARTThis strategy is usingEUR/JPY, GBP/JPY,CHF/JPY and the duble timeframe.The trend direction is determined by SMA. Stochastic optimization is performed by opening and closing. Longs are opened when SMASma is going down and Stochastic(8,3,3) is higher than 80.TP is 70 pips, SL is 70 pips. Orders are closed too when Stochastic hits 80 (for longs) or 20 (for shorts).
Versão: Date: Estado: Descrição:
2 11.03.2016 Not running MART  Download
1 25.02.2016 Executed MART  Download
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(poucas palavras sobre mudanças adicionadas)

(exemplo 1.1, beta, alpha)