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TREND_101 is a simplified trend strategy built on SMA 10 period and SMA 30 period SMA indicator with MACD hist indicator ( 0.0001 ) to filter signals, The simple logic is designed to determine trend , execute trades ( uptrend or downtrend ) Take profits and exit trade with 35pips stop loss. IF 2 SMA indicator crossover uptrend = MACD histogram > +0.0001 = buy signal IF 2SMA indicator crossover downtrend = MACD histogram < -0.0001 = sell signal execute trades on 10mins time frame Instrument = Gbp/Usd Trade amount = 2.5m ( 100k ) 3m ( >150k ) 5m (> 200k) ( Trend_101v1 , Trend_101v2,Trend_101v3 ) T.p = 25 S.L = 35
Versão: Date: Estado: Descrição:
4 02.11.2015 Not running TREND_101  Download
3 02.11.2015 Not running TREND_101  Download
2 19.10.2015 Not running TREND_101  Download
1 04.10.2015 Not running TREND_101  Download
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(poucas palavras sobre mudanças adicionadas)

(exemplo 1.1, beta, alpha)