D_E_M_I_K_A_T_A_R_H is simplified trading strategy built on SMA and Candle period . Execute trades on 10MINS time frame with T.P 25PIPS S.L 35pips or exit trade on trend reversal . simple and profitable.
نسخه: تاریخ: وضعیت: شرح:
2 02.05.2015 Not running D_E_M_I_K_A_T_A_R_H  دانلود
1 16.04.2015 Executed D_E_M_I_K_A_T_A_R_H
یااظهار نظر

(چند کلمه درباره تغییرات اضافه شده)

(مثال: 1.1, بتا, آلفا)