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Strategy uses combination of MACD and MA indicators on 5 Min time frame. Buy signal is generated when MACD is above zero and if 2 period MA crosses above 5 period MA. Sell signal is generated when MACD is below zero and if 2 period MA crosses below 5 period MA. Stop loss is 10 pips and profit limit is 30 pips. The currency pair used is EURO-USD and 7 Lots of 1M. Strategy opens new trade only between 0600 to 1500 Hrs.
Versión: Fecha: Estatus: Descripción:
3 02.11.2015 Not running SC0915  Descarga
2 01.10.2015 Not running SC0915  Descarga
1 01.09.2015 Executed SC0915  Descarga
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(Unas palabras sobre los cambios añadidos)

(ejemplo: 1.1, bet, alfa)