
a position is opened based on one of 4 signals .trade is set, only buy - only sell .time to trade Scenario 1 Pivot+td_c+Regression Scenario 2 td_c+Regression Scenario 3 SMA230+Regression Scenario 4 WillR+TDI
نسخة: تاريخ: الوضع: الوصف:
VER. 03122020 II Dec 18.12.2020 Not running a position is opened based on one of 4 signals .trade is set, only buy - only sell .time to trade Scenario 1 Pivot+td_c+Regression Scenario 2 td_c+Regression Scenario 3 SMA230+Regression Scenario 4 WillR+TDI  التحميل
03122020 II 01.12.2020 Executed a position is opened based on one of 4 signals .trade is set, only buy - only sell .time to trade Scenario 1 Pivot+td_c+Regression Scenario 2 td_c+Regression Scenario 3 SMA230+Regression Scenario 4 WillR+TDI  التحميل
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