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My strategy is based on concept of volume as name suggests. In first version I have used OBV and its base indicator is volume. When OBV shows rising or falling interest strategy opens a buy or sell trade. In second version I used Volume and when buying or selling occurs with heavy volumes strategy executes buy or sell trade. As in indicator block I cannot ad red volume bar or green volume bar to identify buying or selling I have added historical candle to know how previous candle closed.
نسخة: تاريخ: الوضع: الوصف:
4 09.04.2020 Not running OBOSHVolume  التحميل
3 18.03.2020 Executed OBOSHVolume  التحميل
2 26.02.2020 Not running OBOSHVolume  التحميل
1 03.02.2020 Executed OBOSHVolume  التحميل
CD1V1 avatar
CD1V1 1 آذار

The strategy was switched to a "scalper mode" towards the end of the month, to meet the required number of trades. Most of all those scalper trades ended in a loss. This means the strategy would not have been successful if allowed to run through out the month. This is an unfair modification of the strategy. Please see the fair play rules: "Other activities used to get an unfair advantage over other Participants"

skyisthelimit avatar
skyisthelimit 2 آذار

hey friend. That is your opinion. But rule gives one chance to upgrade strategy. Upgradation means you can modify strategy to one's own benefit And I have used that only.  I haven't lowered volumes, so you cannot say unfair advantage.  And if you will go through all strategies which are,  winning you can't guarantee they will successful in all months of the year.  And there is no such rule which asks strategy should be profitable throughout the year.

CD1V1 avatar
CD1V1 2 آذار

so you are going to use version 1 and get profitable, then use version 2 to meet up the number of trades required? that means you are using two strategies instead of one. If you have truly updated the strategy, then why not run version 2 throughout the month. Well, lets see what Community Support has to say about this.

vadim_berezhnoj avatar
vadim_berezhnoj 13 آذار

Strategy was updated to get to the limit of 20 trades. There were 17 trades before it. Disqualified from February contest.

skyisthelimit avatar
skyisthelimit 18 آذار

I respect your decision sir. Kindly put more clarification in rules. No of 20 trades is desired condition so I felt its not a foul play. In unfair advantage section if you will add more conditions it will be helpful to all community members. So I request you whenever you get time please do the needful.

skyisthelimit avatar
skyisthelimit 19 آذار

upgrade means raise (something) to a higher standard, in particular improve (equipment or machinery) by adding or replacing components. It gives scope to add another one with improved concept. Cannot be changed means we cannot remove earlier one I feel so. Thank you all for your comments it is helping in improving understanding of rules in better way.

Debian avatar
Debian 26 آذار

He leído los comentarios anteriores y creo que no dejan de sorprender. En el primero, del domingo día 1, (todavía no había comenzado el concurso, por lo que entiendo, que se debe referir a un concurso anterior), CD1V1 dice entre otras cosas:

..."This means the strategy would not have been successful if allowed to run through out the month"... 

En el comentario del día 2 con el concurso ya empezado, se le responde:

..."That is your opinion. But rule gives one chance to upgrade strategy"...

Debian avatar
Debian 26 آذار

Este algoritmo "OBOSHVOLUME" parece ser, que hace una operación cada 4 horas, a no ser que el mercado este más o menos plano y no se ejecute la toma de beneficio, o la parada de pérdidas.

Este mes, es el más volátil de los últimos años, pues se han podido realizar operaciones de cientos de pips, sin embargo "OBOSHVOLUME" el día 6 de marzo abrió una posición y cuando se cerró, ya no volvió a abrir más posiciones hasta el día 18 de marzo, es decir 12 días de hibernación, casi medio mes, y esto, a pesar de lo escrito por CD1V1 en el primer comentario antes de que empezara el concurso.

Debian avatar
Debian 26 آذار

Parece que no es solo su opinión, sino también una realidad. Tener dos operativas distintas, en el mismo algoritmo, no justifica los 12 días sin abrir posiciones, porque volatilidad ha habido en exceso.

¿Cuantas operaciones se dejaron de realizar en esos 12 días y cuantos Drawdown se evitaron? ¿Es esto participar en igualdad de condiciones? ¿Que hubiera ocurrido, si todos los que llegaron a los primeros puestos, hubieran hibernado 12 días o los que creyeran convenientes?

Debian avatar
Debian 26 آذار

Hace algunos días, otro participante tenía más de 1 millón de retorno y 0% de Drawdown ¿Quien hubiera podido superar eso?

Creo que la hibernación está expresamente prohibida en las reglas y para un concurso más justo, deberíamos respetar todos las mismas reglas. ¿Es tan difícil?

verindur avatar
verindur 27 آذار

I don't see any problems as strategy is working @ max volume of 10 mil. provided equity is available.

verindur avatar
verindur 27 آذار

Things can go wrong when ur attempting a multiple instrument strategy. Suddenly no orders were placed between 6 mar to 18 mar. So that would be a concern. The responsibility would be with the author to make improvements as soon as possible.

skyisthelimit avatar
skyisthelimit 1 نيسان

Verindur u guessed right

skyisthelimit avatar
skyisthelimit 1 نيسان

My strategy do not have any code to switch it to hibernate nor did I upgraded the strategy in that period. So you cannot say its hibernate mode.
In this month I wanted to run only one version but unfortunately strategy stopped working because of volatility. So need arises to upgrade it. And I upgraded it. So if you will look at statistics upgraded version opened  trades and its more profitable than first version so it fulfills real meaning of upgrade. Which gives answer to cd1 question.

skyisthelimit avatar
skyisthelimit 1 نيسان

I bank upon the wisdom of Vadim sir and I know he will do the justice. I have worked for this version for almost 6-7 months and I know everybody puts that much hard work to win prize. So I will myself will not do anything against rule. Last month it was my misunderstanding as I thought trying for 20 trades is a desired condition.

skyisthelimit avatar
skyisthelimit 1 نيسان

Strategy is not designed to trade every four hours, but if required volumes are met then only it executes trade.

skyisthelimit avatar
skyisthelimit 1 نيسان

Friends I request first understand the strategy then only comment, don't put irrelevant comment  without knowing about it.

skyisthelimit avatar
skyisthelimit 1 نيسان

Thank you Verindur you first checked the facts and then commented.

vadim_berezhnoj avatar
vadim_berezhnoj 7 نيسان

Strategy is extremely simple, there were lots of the same "follow last candle" strategies uploaded in past. So it is considered as a copy and 36 bonus points were discarded in March.

skyisthelimit avatar
skyisthelimit 8 نيسان

Sir, please re-look into the strategy. Its concept is not follow last candle. If buying or selling occurs with heavy volumes then only strategy executes buy or sell trade in that direction. Last month is more volatile so if you will look on charts you will understand, I mentioned particular volume amount. If instrument  crosses that amount strategy should execute trade. Volume indicator do not have red or signal that's why I used historical candle.

verindur avatar
verindur 11 نيسان

Truth is my friend that u allowed the strategy to be dysfunctional for 12 days. So that itself is an unfair advantage. Everybody knew except u that you are not going to make it this time. So Good Luck next time.

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