
RandomGambler strategy is cross over of choosing (almost) random Order Command (between BUY and SELL) and martingale system. This naive system is constrained by taking profit at 10 pips and stop-loss at 10 pips. Each order is doubled if the last trade had a loss. # 1.2 version updates the strategy to pick Order Command randomly between 4 options - 2 hardcoded and 2 from Indicators (So it's only close to random now).
نسخه: تاریخ: وضعیت: شرح:
4 05.10.2020 Comp. error With new updates, picks signal from indicator, also adds rudamental money managment  دانلود
1.2 02.09.2020 Not running Updates version  دانلود
1.1 02.09.2020 Executed # Adds trend following logic to strategy - short EMA signal and hybrid SMA signals. Picks one signal to trade at random # Adds check for spread - it should be lesss than 2 to trade. # Refactors a buch of code  دانلود
1.1 23.05.2020 Not running Random gambler strategy is cross over of choosing random Order Command (between BUY and SELL) and martingale system. This naive system is constrained by taking profit at 15 pips and stop-loss at 10 pips. Each order is doubled if the last trade was had a loss.  دانلود
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(مثال: 1.1, بتا, آلفا)