
the Forex strategy employs a thorough analysis of the past 28 candles to make trading decisions. By evaluating the maximum and minimum values of both the current price and historical candles, the strategy dynamically determines whether to initiate a buy or sell position. If the current price surpasses historical highs, the strategy opts for a buy, while a lower current price prompts a sell action, ensuring a nuanced approach to market dynamics
نسخة: تاريخ: الوضع: الوصف:
1.0 23.11.2023 Not running the Forex strategy employs a thorough analysis of the past 28 candles to make trading decisions. By evaluating the maximum and minimum values of both the current price and historical candles, the strategy dynamically determines whether to initiate a buy or sell position. If the current price surpasses historical highs, the strategy opts for a buy, while a lower current price prompts a sell action, ensuring a nuanced approach to market dynamics  التحميل
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